The Viaplay Sports team had created an advanced roadmap to support a better viewing experience for sports fans. However, in order to increase relevance and gain guidance on how to prioritize features and functions, they sought to understand what motivated their viewers on a deeper level.
A set of internal sessions helped us identify hypotheses about who our users were and what was most pertinent to them. We identified the users most interesting for further exploration and set out as a team, with clients and researchers, to visit their homes. We engaged in the conversations and joined them for viewing sessions to discern the underlying motives for watching sports.
We delivered a storytelling report which included three relatable and engaging personas that depicted distinct user motives and corresponding user needs. The Viaplay user experience design team also held a workshop where they enacted these personas and spent time understanding their targets. The learnings enabled the teams to successfully prioritize their roadmap and helped them bring to life a shared understanding of their most central target users.
Home Interviews
Product Development
User Optimization
Persona Development